Why do you want to work in a Catholic school? Catholic schools enrol approximately 20 per cent of Australian school students providing quality education in a faith-centred environment. Students focus on service projects and the birth of Christ. According to Our Greatest and Best Inheritance: Catholic Schools and Parental Choice (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) “Catholic school students are more likely to pray daily, attend church more often, retain a Catholic identify as an adult and donate more to the Church.”. 1. My students can smell the difference between real and fake, so this encourages me to constantly keep myself in check and be authentic in my relationship with my students and God. Trying to do the right thing at the same time we are being guided by some education departments (i.e. According to the latest figures from the Catholic Education Service, around 35% of the staff in Catholic independent schools in England and wales are Catholic. There are many reasons why parents choose to send their children to a Catholic school. Teaching in a Catholic school is often referred to as a vocation – a calling to become part of something of great significance; in this case, to share in the Church’s mission. In the Catholic school, the holidays – both big and small – are celebrated with a certain sort of style. I remember how much I hated being Catholic when I was younger. What He wants most is for us to become our best selves. Even our Pastor, Father Willie Franken, offers words of wisdom and guidance to our families at just the right time. This would definitely help me a lot :). Giving, rather than receiving, is the moving force within the classrooms. Or, perhaps, your child is already a student at Our Lady of Grace Catholic School (OLGCS). state, federal) to do … Here are 5 common reasons why parents choose a Catholic school education for their children. Statement on the Removal of the Priestly Faculties of Father Justin Ross, OFM Conv. They want the values taught at home to be witnessed and lived at school. The … In the public school setting, I was constantly worried about offending someone. Although every school and community is different, there are 5 things you can find in every Catholic school. Giving, rather than receiving, is the moving force within the classrooms. As such, Catholic school leaders must exude and honor mission while celebrating Catholic identity and welcoming families and students of all faith traditions into their communities. Monterey parent Angela Savage chose a Catholic school education at Santa Catalina for her young daughter for several reasons including safety concerns and a desire to have a school that focuses on the entire child. This means that in addition to providing rigorous academic curricula, Catholic schools actively work with students to build their moral development and shape them into good citizens. With a focus on actively living one’s faith and providing an example of character to others in daily life, Catholic Schools assist students in realizing their own personal gifts and learning to value the contribution of others. Parents have the obligation to make sure their child is raised in the faith and sending them to a Catholic school … 1. As a school, we meet in the “Grotto” outside our building and place the crown of flowers atop her head and recite a shortened version of the rosary. Don’t worry. Lv 7. Five Reasons Why Parents Choose a Catholic School Education. Personal Excellence as a Spiritual Goal Catholic school students learn that excellence is a response to God’s blessings. Giving glory to God is a lifelong exercise in acceptance, trust, and patience. This is precisely what they get in a Catholic school community. Parents believe that their child’s teachers should serve as moral role models. © 2020 ARCHDIOCESE OF BALTIMORE, ALL RIGHT RESERVED, Charity In Truth: The Blog of Archbishop William E. Lori, The Joy of Believing: A Practical Guide To The Catholic Faith, 2020 School Policy Manual (Updated 10-19-20), Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Fourth Sunday of Advent. 5 Reasons to Choose Catholic Schools 1. And new standards to meet. Wow, it's good to know that 99% of Catholic high school students graduate while 88% attend college. Working in a Catholic School. We celebrate the small victories and pray over difficult times. “Aren’t you limiting yourself career wise? They consider their school the best one and it … “My parents sent me to Catholic elementary school because they were not thrilled with the school system the town I lived in provided. SOS Help!! Catholic education is a relatively affordable private school education. Catholic schools have always focused on educating the whole child – mind, body, and most importantly spirit. In celebration of Catholic Schools Week 2018, students at St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic School in Los Angeles explain why they like going to a Catholic school. Most Catholic schools are private institutions that offer a traditional, structured learning environment for students. Favorite Answer. Relevance. More meetings. There’s not much room for growth!”, “Aren’t you afraid of your school closing?”, “You know you can get paid more in the public school, right?”. © Herts for Learning Ltd. They are looking for influences on their child that mirror their religious beliefs and moral choices. God calls the Catholics of the Archdiocese of Baltimore to be a welcoming, worshipping community of faith, hope, and love. When I was younger, I wanted to be part of a different religion. In reality, my school isn’t much different than that of a public school. • 50% of teachers in Catholic schools are Catholic. We have students who return after graduation talking of how much they loved the sense of belonging they felt while attending our school. One of the best responses to “Why do you want to be a principal?” came from an old high school friend of mine who, like me, pursued a career as an educator. Academic excellence is not a gospel value in and of itself. Think before you speak; if you do, you won't speak very often, for there is a great deal to think about in education. She caught up with me years later to ask my thoughts on becoming a principal. You haven’t thought it through and you’re applying just because. In honor of Catholic School Week, we looked at reasons why parents choose a Catholic school education. Catholic schools offer high-quality education. So when I have to “defend” my decision to teach in the Catholic School, here are just five of the reasons: As I mentioned before, our school is a tight-knit community of teachers, students, parents, and administrators. For those who don’t have other family in the area, this can be especially important and their church and school become an important hub. There is no more important reason than that to teach at a Catholic school. A: I teach in a Catholic school because the students and parents are very invested in learning and they come to me with strong family values and a willingness to be a “team” in their child’s “whole person.” The “family” feel of our school, mostly smaller class sizes, the ability to share our beliefs and faith, celebrating feast days and holidays … The Christmas season appears more humble throughout the school. Families who have children in a parish school have an easier time of developing a sense of community with their fellow parishioners. In May we celebrate Mary, the mother of Jesus. Graduates of Catholic high schools are statistically more likely to continue church involvement as an adult. Jesus wants us to bring the Good News to the world. The CARA Institute at Georgetown University confirmed that “strong moral values” is the top reason parents choose to send their child to a Catholic school. 8 Answers. Sponsored by the National Catholic Educational Association, schools observe the week with Masses, open houses, and other activities for students, families, parishioners and community members. Standardized testing. Parents believe that their child’s teachers should serve as moral role models. Daily exposure to the Catholic faith is important to developing a strong religious foundation. It … We are assured through our faith that no matter what happens, God’s love for us will be there forever. No matter where you work, obstacles are always encountered. I have heard this question and many other as to my choice to teach in a Catholic school. Honestly, it doesn’t matter if you attend or teach at a public or Catholic school; all teachers are being watched daily by their students and parents. In this interview, you need to convince them that you consider their institution the best and only option, and that you know why you want to study with them. You may wonder why so many people choose to send their children to a Catholic school versus a public school. This is just the start. Catholic school graduates are a leaven in society, helping the broader community to be the best that it can be. Your friend is going to this school and you want to go with them. We don’t teach in Catholic schools because it’s easier than teaching in a public school. Here are 5 common reasons why parents choose a Catholic school education for their children. It’s a very unique thing being able to pray and express your faith freely and however you want. A church parish and school create a community for the family. Faculty, students, and parents all come together and pray for those who are sick, celebrate a new baby or wedding shower, or even provide a special gift to a student whose family needs to leave mid-year. Tolstoyevsky. People choose Catholic schools as an extension of their families. Our schools are accountable, responsive, and operate according to the highest professional standards. It’s been an honor to work with her over the past decade in several settings. 1. Catholic education fosters a sense of community and an abiding understanding of the importance of service to others. My School’s Mission Statement describes a “faith community of educators, learners, and families using God’s gifts to develop 21st Century skills of innovation, collaboration, problem-solving, and reasoning to enrich the global society” (St. Joan of Arc School). ... programs whereby Catholic schools will continue to serve persons of all races and all economic levels. When we choose to focus our energies on knowing and serving God, we can truly wash a… The person of Jesus Christ is the inspiration of staff and is the model offered to students. Working in a Catholic School, you can seek help from a higher authority. Catholic schools are where teachers assist parents in fulfilling their sacred mission to tell the Good News to their children. Today you will hear from my dear friend and colleague, Gina Sabo, who is the Technology Integration Specialist at St. Joan of Arc School in Aberdeen. 2. Catholic schools believe in developing the whole person. of the contemporary Catholic school. 3. Opportunities for fellowship, friendship, and service are available for families and create a warm and welcoming community. My husband and I are looking for a new school for our kids since we just recently moved. 1 decade ago. 5. Private school tuition can be expensive, but many Catholic schools and dioceses offer generous tuition-assistance programs for parish families who need help. Catholic schools seek to provide not only a high-quality academic and vocational education giving due emphasis to the fundamental literacy and numeracy skills required for both learning and life, but also a faith and values based holistic education for all their students. Working in a Catholic School. In their own way, teachers in Catholic schools share in the work of Jesus to reach out to others and spread the good news about life and its … The primary goal of a Catholic education is to prepare children for salvation. Behavior problems. Though there are many more reasons I could mention, the focus of this list is mostly on things that can only be found in a Catholic school. Catholic schools are known for providing a social atmosphere that is conducive to learning and personal growth. Your participation is important and we welcome your involvement. You teach there because you are dedicated to educating the children not only in reading, writing, and arithmetic but also in the faith. The CARA Institute at Georgetown University confirmed that “strong moral values” is the top reason parents choose to send their child to a Catholic school. Being a school captain means the representative of your school, which is highly appreciated & dignified not only among teacher's but friends as well. Our staff begins each week in prayer. A Life to the Full Throughout the school year, we support each other in highs and lows. You are helping to raise the students to become morally responsible, compassionate adults. Catholic schools are not the minor leagues of the academic world. We have meetings and professional development. They also know, however, that mission alone, while necessary, is no longer sufficient. I need this so much for my interview! If you have children in school, you may fear that this teachers, for whatever reason, may take things out on them. Please, do not forget that people at schools are typically proud on their institutions. Often, I can praise a student “God has truly blessed you with the talent for drawing,” or thank a student for their help during Mass. But the one thing that makes my school stand out – God. A friend applied for the Teacher's post in a RCA school, she needs to answer the above question!! The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. The Christmas season appears more humble throughout the school. Through his Spirit, the Lord Jesus lives in those who believe, and reaches into our world with his saving message and healing love. A Catholic education is seen as more than just an accumulation of scholarly achievements; rather, it is the formation that each student merits as a child of God, made in his image and likeness. What better way to see why Catholic school is an excellent choice for your child than by hearing from actual parents of Catholic school students and former students, themselves! Answer Save. In fact, there is so much to learn that when you can say that you have finally learned something, you will probably have only a few years left before you are … Effective Catholic school leaders today appreciate that mission is the abiding, spiritual platform from w… Why Do I Want To Teach In A Catholic School. Catholic schools have been a major part of Australian education for nearly 200 years. Effective Catholic school leaders must personally exemplify, in their daily practice, the core values and traditions of the institutions they serve. I learned to understand that people stayed and left the Catholic church for their own reasons . Likewise, for Catholics who have never taught in a Catholic school, there may be a degree of nervousness about applying for your first job in a Catholic school. It is within this type of environment that I cannot imagine being without. In my school, however, students are also watching my devotion to the Lord. In the Catholic school, the holidays – both big and small – are celebrated with a certain sort of style. In order that you may see how the schools fit into the broad program of Diocesan Catholic education, we give below the ... To be Accessible to All Who Want to Benefit from Catholic Education-- 10. The author and her son, Danny, on the first day of school. We both agree that working at SJA has brought us tremendous happiness. Students focus on service projects and the birth of Christ. This school is your favorite celebrity’s alma-mater and you’ve only heard good things about the school. Catholic schools are known for their commitment to high academic standards. In general, you will not be paid as much as a public school and most Catholic school teachers realize that. For additional information on Monterey County Catholic schools, contact the Diocese of Monterey at  (831) 373-4345 or www.dioceseofmonterey.org/catholic-schools. Yet, a Catholic school offers so much more than strong academics. Many of the parents who choose a Catholic school education want their child’s education at school to be an extension of what they are being taught at home. The celebration is held each year in late January. We would definitely want them to pursue higher education, so perhaps it would be wise to start looking for a catholic high school nearby. Just before the students enter the building, we gather together in our Faculty Lounge, and thank God for our abilities and blessings, and ask for his help. Q: Why is it important for you to teach in a Catholic school? Our students come from all walks of life. At a Catholic School, academic learning is not the only outcome of an exceptional education. In general, on national and standardized tests, Catholic schools consistently outperform public and other private schools by as much as 20 percentage points. My mother wanted my siblings and me to understand the importance of going to church, the same way she was raised to be. Daily lessons in the Catholic faith create a strong foundation for children. 5 reasons why I teach in a Catholic school by Gina Sabo. Of course, there are other reasons why you should definitely NOT run for school board. As teachers, we bond together over shared students we have watched grow over the years. Parents are personally making sure teachers are meeting their students’ needs. Calling for help can include a conversation with technical support, help from a co-worker, or even a meeting with your boss. I can finally say exactly why I am proud of choosing a Catholic school! I had to watch what I said and how I said it. The Catholic school is a community where your child is accepted, respected and never lost in the crowd. Thanks for this! Budgets. Watch Archbishop Lori celebrate Mass for the Fourth Sunday of Advent. 3. Happy with her decision, Angela states that “the consistent religious instruction and activities helped my daughter’s faith develop even in demanding situations.”, 2. This really helped me out on my school interview, going to high school. The prevalence and dominance of the Catholic school system is an accident of Belgian history and reflects the once-dominant hold of the church on society. At St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, the curriculum aims to educate and develop all … Some could say that it is because we all have that one thing that binds us together-faith, but I tend to lean more towards the fact that we truly care about each other. The administration gets to know each child on an individual level, and cheers them on by name. You’ve heard of the amazing frat parties student throw and you want to experience that scene. I asked several friends, coworkers, and family members to write about what Catholic schools mean to them. We have parents that email…some more than others. It is these spiritual practices that, for me, make teaching in the Catholic School special. The Catholic school is the fulfillment of the four fold vision of education promulgated by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops in To Teach as Jesus Did and affirmed in Sharing the Light of Faith — community, message, service, and worship. • 50% are not, but all teachers have - •Imagination –•Flexibility –•Enthusiasm –•Commitment –•Resilience –•Passion –•Patience –•Creativity. The Catholic Schools Office (CSO) is responsible for the leadership, operation and management of systemic schools which educate more than 19,600 students in 44 primary schools, 12 secondary schools, one K-12 school and one special school in the Catholic Diocese of … Why would anyone want to be a school leader these days? According to The National Catholic Educational Association ninety-nine percent (99%) of Catholic secondary school students graduate and eighty-eight percent (88%) go on to college. Why Choose a Catholic School? Students can openly discuss their love for God and our daily lessons are often linked to the Fruits of the Spirit. Catholic School Week is an annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. 4. For example, the school board does not generally get involved in parent-teacher or parent-administrator issues. In the Catholic school, I am able to complement, discuss, and even explain my beliefs without worry of offending my students. Eyes are always watching to see how to react and how they should structure their behaviors. That’s highly unusual, though. Thanks so much! About the CSO. As a tribute to all those whose efforts make Catholic schools possible, here is my list of 101 reasons to send a child to a Catholic school. Encourages Me to Be a Better Christian and Role Model. Students learn that God does not expect us to be perfect, or to tire ourselves by pursuing the hopeless venture that is perfection. 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