Thy strength has strewn thy foes dead upon the plain, or compelled them to flee hither and thither in dismay. —Andrew Gray, 1616. Lord, this is true. All the providential dealings of God seem to be illustrated in the ever-varying phenomena of the sea. David's seed would be a praying race, and so in the main they were, and when they were not they smarted for it. Ver. Ver. Selah. If I should demand of any, for what cause especially man came into the world; he would answer with the Psalmist, God did not create man in vain. The practical effect of a saving knowledge of the gospel is a holy walk, a walk of communion with God. Ver. Psalms 71:22 - I will also praise You with a harp, Even Your truth, O my God; To You I will sing praises with the lyre, O Holy One of Israel. A Psalm of the sons of Korah. "I have laid." —the greater number of the world by far—who wander Christless, loveless, hopeless, over the broad highway of it; when I consider life in many of the awakened as a restless dream, as children beating the curtain and crying in the night; when I consider how many questions recur for ever to us; and will not be silenced, and cannot be answered; when I consider the vanity of the philosopher's inquisitiveness, and the end of Royalty in the tomb; when I look round on the region of my own joys, and know how short their lease is, and that their very ineffableness is a blight upon them; when I consider how little the best can do, and that none can do anything well; and, finally, when I consider the immeasurable immensity of thought within, unfulfilled, and the goading restlessness, I can almost exclaim with our unhappy poet Byron —. It was meet that before he poured forth his lament he should record his praise, lest his sorrow should seem to have withered his faith. 1. Ver. Ver. But my faithfulness and my mercy shall be with him: and in my name shall his horn be exalted. What exultation fills our hearts as we see that the covenant of grace is sure to all the seed, because it stands fast with him with whom we are indissolubly united. The wicked cannot now exact upon him, nor afflict him; he sits upon the throne in glory far beyond their reach. Was the mercy of God to pass away from David's seed? The omnipotence of God is manifested in Christ, for he is “the power of God” as well as “the wisdom of God.”. The heavens are thine, the earth also is thine: as for the world and the fullness thereof, thou hast founded them. A word once given is sacred; once let a promise pass our lips and honesty forbids that we should recall it, —unless indeed the thing promised be impossible, or wicked, neither of which can happen with the promises of God. Ethan wrote Psalm 89 many years after this. His seed also will I make to endure for ever. —The sacred poet commences by affirming his belief in the faithfulness of the Lord to his covenant with the house of David, and makes his first pause at Psalms 89:4. God is greatly to be feared. In Redemption he is far above himself in creation. The ruling of the raging of the sea, the stilling of the stormy waves, and the breaking and scattering of the might of Egypt are used by the psalmist to illustrate the omnipotence of Jehovah, before which the mightiest monarchy on earth had no more power than if it had been a corpse. God is ever with his Son, Jesus Christ, in the plenitude of his faithfulness and mercy, to make him a continual blessing to his people. —"for ever.". C.H. Ver. For just as the tyrants of this world move abroad surrounded by impiety, avarice, contempt of God, and, pride, as with a bodyguard, so God sits on his exalted throne, surrounded with majesty, faithfulness, mercy and equal love to all his people, as with a vesture of gold. He lets them arise, and he bids them sink down again. Gratitude constrains me to communicate to others a portion of the benefit, with the prayer that it may induce them to search further for themselves. —Augustus Montague Toplady. —George Swinnock. People that know the joyful sound. In what stronger language can he express his unalterable adherence to the truth of his promise? Ver. Rahab. 84. Also I will make him my firstborn. Ver. The righteousness of God is variously taken in Scripture. Psalm 89:1-2. David was the youngest son of Jesse, the lowest on the list of a numerous family, —the very last individual among them who could have expected exaltation over all others. By whom? No other than the heart itself of our gracious and most merciful Jehovah, and his most unalterable and immovable purposes, truth and faithfulness. 3. He is a reproach to his neighbours. For I have said, Mercy shall be built up for ever. My God, as far as my humanity is concerned; the support of my salvation, as regards my mortality. Psalm 89 commentary 1. I will not utterly take from him. (b) Emphasised. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Golden Alphabet (Updated, Annotated): An Exposition of Psalm 119. Ver. Psalms 89:22. "My servant.". Shall it always be so? Psalms 89:46. Mercy may seem to depart from the Lord's chosen, but it shall never altogether do so. After tossing about on a sea of trouble the Psalmist here leaps to shore and stands upon a rock. Would become a servant to the Father. Literally, "Who is he among the sons of" Alim (or of Gods, as in Psalms 29:1,) i.e., according to Suicer, the powerful, the princes of the earth. Ver. Man fails in all points, but God in none. God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be had in reverence of all them that are about him. —Thomas Goodwin. 15. —John Calvin. We shall leave the world better than we entered it: and so will our children; till Jerusalem shall be established, and be made a praise in the whole earth. Whole Psalm. And if the great sea be in the hand of God as a little child, what is great to God! All that pass by the way spoil him. How long, LORD? Nevertheless. He then praises and magnifies the name of the Lord for his power, justice, and mercy, Ps 89:5-14. May the Holy Spirit greatly bless to us the reading of this most precious Psalm of instruction. 7. Our Lord's filial spirit, and how it was displayed. Sometimes you feel that you cannot praise God, and cannot pray to him. If we think that God has made men in vain, because the most of men neither serve him nor enjoy him, it is true, that as to themselves, they were made in vain, better for them they had not been born, than not be "born again"; but it was not owing to God, that they were made in vain, it was owing to themselves; nor are they made in vain as to him; for he has "made all things for himself, even the wicked for the day of evil", and those whom he is not glorified by he will be glorified upon. Nor suffer my faithfulness to fail. Note, too, that he says, "with my mouth", not with that of any deputy; I will make known, not secretly or timidly, not in a whisper, but boldly preach, Thy faithfulness, or truth, not my own opinion, far less my own falsehood, but Thy Truth, which is, Thine Only begotten Son. The basis, then, of Jehovah's government, or that on which it rests, is "justice and judgment." Thou hast scattered thine enemies with thy strong arm. It was usually fenced around with a stone wall, and in it was a small house or tower, wherein a keeper was set to keep away intruders. And my covenant shall stand fast with him. Resurrection is the basis upon which the sure mercies of David rest availably for faith (Acts 13:34). It is the covenant of thy servant and his crown still. Psalm 16. For the psalm celebrates not so much God as … Continue reading "Commentary on Psalm 8" We believe in the gospel rod, but not in the penal sword for the adopted sons. Jehoahaz reigned only three months, and was led captive to Egypt, where he died. his excellency so exceeds. Ver. Rome and its priests, with their inquisition and other infernal cruelties, have laboured to exterminate the covenant seed, but "vain is their rage, their efforts vain." Ver. From Augustine's Exposition on the Psalms. Christ is very frequently called by that name, as being most dearly beloved of God, and most highly esteemed and valued by God, and as being typified by him both as king and prophet of his church: Psalms 89:20, With my holy oil have I anointed him; suitable to that of Christ; Lu 4:18, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor"; and therefore we need not doubt of the excellency, authority, certainty, and sufficiency of the gospel: Psalms 89:27, I will make him my firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth. The important promise is that someone from David’s family would always be king. He suffers the fury of the enemy to swell against his cause, but he stills it at his pleasure. But my faithfulness and my mercy shall be with him. Shall thy true vine be deserted by thee, thou great Husbandman? Ver. In the succession of their race to the end of the world. It will never be cut off. I know not how to untie the knot, upon this only view of the case, or avoid the absurdity. The word ytrma, "I have said", is used, in the Book of Psalms, to express two things; either a fixed purpose, or a settled opinion of the person speaking. —Geier. Treasury of david: commentary on psalm 119:89 - 110 / charles spurgeon (christian audio book) - duration: 50:40. Since that auspicious day, the general assembly on high and the sacred congregation below have not ceased to sing unto Jehovah, the Lord that keepeth covenant with his elect. Ver. What or who is too great, or too strong for God to deal with? The gospel is a joyful sound. There is nothing to encourage sin about it; there is nothing to give us license, nothing to lead a man to boast, "I am safe at last." 14. Selah. 41. Psalm 95. Psalms 89:23. Who is the builder of this fabric? Can this be as the Lord has promised? For saints and angels, they are of his council in heaven (as might be shewn), and encompass the manifestation of his glory there round about. It is hard sure to design the supposal, (or what it may yet seem hard to suppose), "that all men were made in vain." Some expositors ascribe these words, and all the preceding verses, to the state of the Lord Jesus in the days of his humiliation, and this gives an instructive meaning; but we prefer to continue our reference all through to the church, which is the seed of the Lord Jesus, even as the succeeding kings were the seed of David. Christ commenced his labours by referring to his Father, for in Lu 2:49 he says, "Wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?" The rod is a covenant blessing, and is meant to be used. The double portion and the government belong to him. 2. Reliance upon divine strength. Psalms 89:26. 2. (b) For resemblance (c) For multitude. As he hath authority to cry to God, so he hath an assurance of the prevalence of his cry, in regard of the stability of the covenant of mediation, which shall stand fast with him, or be faithful to him: my mercy will I keep for him for evermore, Psalms 89:28. 16. What is walking? 2. "His seed." Psalms 89:22-25. And the ground of this glorious building is God's covenant with his chosen: I have made a covenant with my chosen. Selah. Ver. 3. 27. Ver. Moreover, he is the Holy One of Israel, being specially the God of his own elect, ours by peculiar ties, ours for ever and ever. Ver. 6. Who can be compared? Some think that these words are not the words of the Psalmist, because they are of opinion that they do not agree with the preceding, but were written by another, or added by the Collector of the Psalms as a concluding doxology; or if the Psalmist wrote them, he did so merely in finishing his prayer. Ver. Here is an eternal song concerning eternal mercy. O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! This is that foundation in the heavens, whereon mercy is built up for ever, as Psalms 89:2, which (as the Apostle says) "remains for ever"; and so they become "the sure mercies of David", Isaiah 60:3. However, he also wrote a three-volume study of the Psalms called The Treasury of David.Although not a technical commentary per se, it is larger than most commentaries on the Psalms and contains much helpful expository material, especially for preachers, and many hundreds of quotations that Spurgeon assembled from other writers. Some commentators talk of conditions, but we fail to see any; the promises are as absolute as they can possibly be, and if any conditions as to the conduct of the favoured individuals can be conceived, they are disposed of in the succeeding verses. Keble paraphrases the passage thus: —. Does God love you? Mark what he will do! 48. The days of his youth hast thou shortened: thou hath covered him with shame. His seed shall endure for ever. The psalmist rejoices in the Lord as the Creator and Possessor of the heavens above and the earth beneath. —John Trapp. Among the choicest gifts that God ever gives to men are men; and therefore we read, concerning Christ, “When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men;” and those gifts were men, for “he gave some, apostles, and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers.” These were the choice ascension gifts of Christ. We think when we are in trouble we get ease by complaining: but we do more, we get joy, by praising. There the good man's come to himself again. In the issue of affliction. Psalms 89:8-10. Hedges and strong holds. "His children." He does not simply say, I will smite them; but, I will visit with the rod. 7. Perowne. His seed also will I make to endure for ever, and his throne as the days of heaven. Go to, To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use our convenient, Spurgeon's Verse Expositions of the Bible, Commentary Critical and Explanatory - Unabridged, Kretzmann's Popular Commentary of the Bible, Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures. The nearer they are the more they adore. Wilt thou burn up the throne which thou hast sworn to perpetuate? Thy wonders, etc. (b) For what? It is reported in our chronicles of Athelstan, parum oetati vixit, multum glorioe (he lived but little of time, but much of glory). Psalms 89:15-21. They shall walk, O LORD, in the light of thy countenance. 2. 19. There is no single day of our lives that we do not do it... How astonished many would be, if they knew what the real case was of those perhaps whom they admire, and think highly advanced and exalted in the Divine life, if they were to know the falls, the wretched falls, falls in heart, in word and in practice; if they were to know the deep distress that the children of God, who are far advanced as they suppose in the Divine life, are continually suffering from the effect of such transgression! What we hear is the language of passion, not of sedate conviction. That God permits not his face to be seen before He has forgiven our sins through mercy: so Rickelius. 43. "We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain that we can carry nothing out. This is the very marrow of the gospel; this is indeed “ the joyful sound “ which makes us truly blessed,-the feet that God did, of old, exalt “One chosen out of the people,” with whom he entered into an eternal covenant, pledging himself to bless us through him. God grant us grace to kiss the rod whenever we transgress against him, and he visits our iniquity with stripes! 1. Amen and Amen. Thou hast been wroth with thine anointed. For the Lord is our defence. Every true believer will here join issue with David, that it is God, and God alone, who builds up the temple of his Church; and who, as the builder of it, is alone entitled to all the glory. 46. In these words briefly we may notice. 2. He lashes in love, in measure, in pity, and compassion. How reverent should our worship be! —Thomas Goodwin. What man is he that liveth, and shall not see death? Compare 2 Peter 3:4; 2 Peter 3:9. They lived in it from the Sea in the west to the River in the east, from the mountains in the south to Lebanon in the north, verses 9 … My covenant will I not break, or alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. (1 Corinthians 1:23, 1 Peter 4:13-14.) Be pleased to set a bound! Biblical Commentary (Bible study) Psalm 89. Psalm 94. 50. We have now reached the majestic Covenant Psalm, which, according to the Jewish arrangement closes the third book of the Psalms. As the God of truth, wilt thou not arise and tread down falsehood? Also turned the edge of his sword. It was to his Father that he turned for help when in sore anguish in Gethsemane, and to him he committed his spirit in the article of death. Thy faithfulness shalt thou establish in the very heavens. for he is the "King of kings, and he is the Lord of lords; "a God above all gods, even angels themselves, as elsewhere the Psalmist hath it. Commentary Critical and Explanatory - Unabridged, Kretzmann's Popular Commentary of the Bible, Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures. 7. "Hast covered him", etc. I might give further instances out of this Psalm, but enough is as good as a feast. Never a rod in the house? 805-9, there is an Exposition of a portion of this Psalm. Then will I visit their transgressions with the rod. Thou hast broken down all his hedges. Amen, and Amen. 29. The believer's promotion; he is exalted. Thou hast made void the covenant of thy servant. Download the e-Sword Module Installer; Author: Charles Spurgeon e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x Suggest New Tag:: calvanism, puritan, reformed baptist Updated 8/7/2011: Added 40+ files from Operation Heaven Sent. 1. 3. And in thy favour our horn shall be exalted. But this question is framed upon more of these names; not Ishe, not Adam, not Enos; but it is Mi gheber, Quis vir; which is the word always signifying a man accomplished in all excellencies, a man accompanied with all advantages; fame, and a good opinion justly conceived, keeps him from being Ishe, a mere sound, standing only upon popular acclamation; innocency and integrity keeps him from being Adam, red earth, from bleeding, or blushing at anything he hath done; that holy and religious art of arts, which St. Paul professed. In many cases these passages find their ultimate fulfillment in christ jesus our savior. —Maschil. In which he finds his own glory, and believers their safety! The supposition concerning them. People that know the joyful sound. Or, if we speak of those royal personages that are mild and gentle, and like Vespasian are the darlings and delight of the people, yet these no less than others have their fatal hour, and their regal honour and majesty are laid in the dust. David's line in the person of Jesus is an endless one, and the race of Jesus, as represented in successive generations of believers, shows no sign of failure. Spurgeon's wife said that if Spurgeon had never written any other work, this would have been a permanent literary memorial. Ver. 48. Hitherto, the royal family had been like a vine within an enclosure, but the wall was now laid low, and the vine was unprotected. I have said. 43. An oath is the end of all strife; it ought to be the end of all doubt on our part. shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the grave? Ver. The Equity of the divine government—"justice", etc. I TRODUCTIO SPURGEO , "TITLE. If there were no other proof in the whole Psalm, that one clause would be a demonstration to me that no other man than the Lord Jesus Christ can be here spoken of. If the covenant could be made void by our sins it would have been void long ere this; and if renewed its tenure would not be worth an hour's purchase if it had remained dependent upon us. 9. Can you distinguish the contrast between the harmonies of the one and the discords of the other? 10. May none of us learn the terror of this threatening, which is surely being fulfilled upon all those unbelievers who have rejected the Son of God, and died in the hardness of their hearts. O God, how canst thou suffer this? Fire cannot injure it; storms cannot overthrow it; age cannot impair it. Ver. Psalms 89:21. By the Lord's righteous dealings the saints are uplifted in due time, however great may have been the oppression and the depression from which they may have suffered. Ver. JOSEPH A ALEXANDER Psalms Commentary (1864) Spurgeon had high praise for Alexander's work writing that it "Occupies a first place among expositions. Some people say, "Then God will leave them." (a) To our own generation. My mercy will I keep for him for evermore, and my covenant shall stand fast with him. Exalted to friends of God— children of God—one with God, to heaven. For God himself who hath said, Ye are gods, hath also added, Ye shall die like men. Exaltation. 6. Who in the heaven? Ver. It is a tacit imprecation of himself, If I lie unto David, let me never be counted holy, or thought righteous enough to be trusted by angels or men. And in thy righteousness shall they be exalted. (b) To succeeding generations by its influence upon others. I have sworn unto David my servant, unto the Messiah, who was typified by David; unto my coeternal Son, who stipulated to take on himself "the form of a servant"; thy seed, i.e. Psalm 21. Psalm 89:1-4 89:1 I will sing of [note two themes of this song of praise] [1] the … As sin is so frequent, the rod never rests long together; in God's family the rod is not spared, or the children would be spoiled. The Son of David is the Great Progenitor, the second Adam, the Everlasting Father, he sees his seed, and in them beholds of the travail of his soul. That is the provision which God has made in his covenant: and it is delightful to see how God has contemplated our case to the uttermost. If mere creatures are struck with awe, the courtiers and favourites of heaven must be yet more reverent in the presence of the Great King. Thou hast covered them with shame. EXEGESIS: THE CONTEXT: This psalm is a community lament in which the psalmist recounts blessings conferred on the people by the Lord (vv. The most stable part of the universe is selected as a type of Messiah's kingdom, and both sun and moon are made to be symbols of its long endurance. 20. When I add to the consideration of my short time, that of dying mankind, and behold a dark and deadly shade universally overspreading the world, the whole species of human creatures vanishing, quitting the stage round about me, and disappearing almost as soon as they show themselves; have I not a fair and plausible ground for that (seemingly rude) challenge? And in Psalms 89:7, he is there presented with all his saints and angels round about him, as one that is greatly to be feared, or that is terrible in himself, by reason of his greatness, in this his council and assembly of his saints, and to be had in reverence of all that are about him. 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