Solomon Island Production: Since 1997 annual copra production has mostly been in the range of 25,000-35,000 tons but fell to almost zero in 2001-2002 due to the combined effect of civil unrest, the end of CEMA’s monopoly and insolvency of CEMA’s oil milling businesses. Feed ingredients and fertilizers for farmed aquatic animals. Evaluation of some plant ingredients as dietary protein sources for common carp (, Hennessy, D. W.; Kempton, T. J.; Williamson, P. J., 1989. i Steers fed up to 1 kg/day of pelleted copra meal had a much higher growth rate than unsupplemented animals (0.41 vs. 0.11 kg/d) (Gulbransen et al., 1990). Woods, V. B.; O'Mara, F. P.; Moloney, A. P, 2003. Anim. ISBN 2738011586, 306 p. INRA Editions Versailles. Areas of comparison are on per palm basis, and include nut yield, bunch production, and copra yield.Plots evaluated for each hybrid were planted with 131 palms per hectare (53 per acre), so to find out the yield per hectare, just multiply the figures in the table by 131 (or 53 if using acre). Sogavare says the government will aggressively invest in export of value-added coconut products including oil, coconut flour and coconut vinegar to name a few. when we only know the value of single parent and h2 . Estimation of organic matter digestibility and metabolizable energy content of agro-industrial wastes using, Aregheore, E. M. ; Viulu, S, 2006. 150 (IRQ/6), Fuller, M. F., 2004. Feedipedia, a programme by INRAE, CIRAD, AFZ and FAO. On average, 1000 nuts yield 180 kg of copra, which contain 110 kg of oil and 55 kg of meal (Göhl, 1982). Commercial crops technology: Vol 8. Sci., 11 (1): 174, Woods, V. B. ; Moloney, A. P. ; Mulligan, F. J. ; Kenny, M. J. ; O'Mara, F. P., 1999. Soc. A. ; Watanabe, P. H. ; Miranda, C. C. de; Silva, L. da P. G. da; Araujo, D. de M., 2010. Prod. The effect of levels of copra meal and enzymes on bird performance. Chemical composition, Chandrasekharaiah, M. ; Sampath, K. T. ; Thulasi, A. ; Anandan, S., 2001. Inclusion of coconut meal in diets for growing pigs with or without enzimatic supplementation. Bras. The poor pelletability of copra meal may make it difficult to maintain particle size during feeding, thereby affecting negatively feed intake in carps (Hasan et al., 1997). Responses of broiler chicks to dietary copra cake of high lipid content. Cassava leaf meal as a replacement for coconut oil meal in broiler diets. Technol., 9 (3): 361-372, Guerrero III, R. D., 1980. Bras., 41 (12): 1767-1773, Bastos, S. C. ; Freire Fuentes, M. F. F. ; Freitas, E. R. ; Espíndola, G. B. ; Braga, C. V. De P., 2007. However, the high fibre content of copra meal restricts its use in pig feeding. Trop. Animal feeding stuffs. Coconut oil, or copra oil, is an edible oil extracted from the kernel or ... dependent on the exports from tropical countries for the production of coconut related products, such moratoriums may hamper the growth of ... Yield Price/ Book Value EPS CEPS Per Share Per Share Per Share No.of Time ` ` ` ` ` % ` % ` s % 1-2 5.43 8.91 15.4 Copra meal should not contain more than 12% moisture and should be kept in a well-ventilated store (FAO/IAEA, 2001). Under basin irrigation, 200 litres per palm once in four days will be beneficial. Sci., 63 (1): 197-207, Panigrahi, S. ; Machin, D. H. ; Parr, W. H. ; Bainton, J., 1987. There is also a wet process that uses fresh kernels and provides high grade oil as well as valuable nutriments that are usually lost in the drying process (Canapi et al., 2005). Gervajio, G. C., 2005. The raw coconut oil is subsequently refined, either by the producing country or by the importer. MARDI Research Bulletin, 10 (3): 384-392, Ramos, J. A short note on the chemical composition of coconut pith. Feeding systems for tropical rabbit production emphasizing roots, tubers and bananas. The utilization of coconut sap distillery by products by broiler chicks. Less impressive results have been obtained on richer pastures, but copra meal could still replace sorghum grain and increase the fat content of the milk (Ehrlich et al., 1990). In a long- term study of salt application, 1.5 kg NaCl/tree per year is considered to be most effective and economical to increase copra weight/nut and copra yield (per tree and per hectare). Les aliments du bétail sous les tropiques. The effects of expander processing and by-product inclusion levels on performance of grower-finisher pigs. J. Tropical fibre sources for pigs - digestibility, digesta retention and estimation of fibre digestibility, Noblet, J. ; Perez, J. M., 1993. Agric. The low feeding value in poultry is also partly due to physical properties of copra meal. Copra meal could also be replaced by 75% of dried brewer’s grains (Aregheore et al., 2006). Evaluation of chemical composition and, Chapoutot, P. ; Dorleans, M. ; Sauvant, D., 2010. Inra Prod. SciBiotechnol., 6, Article number: 56, Stein, H. H., 2015. Oil content 65 %. Apparent digestibility of coconut meal and guava waste for the Nile tilapia. Its nutritive value is inferior to that of the other major oil meals, notably soybean meal, groundnut meal and cottonseed meal. However, coconut water released in the environment may become a source of pollution and there have been attempts to use it as a substrate for growing food yeast and bacteria. Rancidity may also cause diarrhoea (Göhl, 1982). The oil is mechanically extracted from the flakes using an expeller machine, resulting in a nearly colourless oil and a copra cake containing about 7% oil. The use of soaked copra meal as a partial substitute for soybean meal in the diet of Nile tilapia (, Ørskov, E. R. ; Nakashima, Y. ; Abreu, J. M. F. ; Kibon, A. ; Tuah, A. K., 1992. At first it has purgative effect, but cattle soon become accustomed to it (Göhl, 1982). Copra meal inclusion at 7.5% of the diet does not have negative effects on digestibility but decreases voluntary intake due to its poor palatability or other unknown effects (Camacho Diaz et al., 2006). . As for coconut, yields have remained at 40 to 45 nuts per tree annually, which is below the 200 to 300 nuts recorded in countries like India and Brazil. The yield of Coconut from one tree: 25 nuts after 5 years of planting (minimum average yield). Int. Coconuts' remarkable levels of resilience means that they can be grown in a wide variety of soils, although they do require a relatively high amount of rainfall. The physical presentation of copra meal has an important effect because it modifies bulk density. Final report. J. Anim. Global coconut oil production peaked at 3.3M tonnes in 2012; however, from 2013 to 2018, production stood at a somewhat lower figure. Étude de la dégradation, Cheeke, P. R., 1992. Drying characteristics of copra and quality of copra and coconut oil. Dryers equipped with a steel plate base give cleaner products (Canapi et al., 2005; Kurian et al., 2007). The importance of coconut palmoil subsequently decreased due to competition from other vegetable oils, particularly palm oil from In rohu (Labeo rohita) fingerlings, copra meal supplemented with amino acids could replace up to 50% of dietary fish meal and thus represent more than 60% of the total diet (Mukhopadhyay, 2000). Effect of sunflower and coconut kernels on deposition of protein and fat, the fatty acid pattern of back fat and some blood values in piglets. AGA/Misc/70/25, Göhl, B., 1982. Int. The effect is less marked in older animals, because they gradually adapt and increase their feed intake and growth performance (Panigrahi et al., 1987; Jacome et al., 2002; Sundu et al., 2005; Bastos et al., 2007). Premium oil is extracted from copra. Feeds and forages in Pacific islands farming systems. During the sun-drying process, split coconuts are susceptible to mold and subsequent aflatoxin contamination. The coconut is a tropical tree species, mainly grown and harvested by small-scale farmers. This is done by first drying the kernel under the sun in an oil mill. They require a hot moist climate with average annual temperatures between 20 and 28°C, average annual rainfall ranging from 1000 to 1500 mm and deep alluvial or loamy soils (Orwa et al., 2009). Composition, apparent digestibility and energy evaluation of coconut oil and coconut meal. The energy value of copra meal is low because of the high fibre content though it can be increased by the high content of residual oil in expeller meals. Effects of the inclusion of copra meal on the apparent digestibility of the dry matter in the diet of lambs pelibuey in growth. Small Rumin. Furthermore, supplementary diets consisting of 50% copra meal and 50% leucaena hay increased daily gain and diet digestibility (Mousoon et al., 1997). Coconut meal levels in ration for fingerling Nile tilapia. 15.58 ± 0.95 kg and 2.49 ± 0.15t. In contrast, a significant improvement in copra yield per palm was found only in plots treated with coir dust pits. Comparatively small in stature, i.e. Copra meal has been shown to be a suitable supplement for cows grazing tropical pastures in Fiji, where adding 1.8 kg/day of copra meal to the diet increased milk production by 70% (McIntyre, 1973). After attending a seminar conducted by PCA, he thought of producing coconut sugar from the coconut sap or toddy. Livest. Feeding value of different levels of leucaena hay and coconut oil meal as a supplementary feed for goats. Do not taste the coconut flesh while tasting the coconut water; do this after you've cleansed your palate. J. Anim. (Editors: Machin, D.; Nyvold, S.) Proceedings of the FAO Expert Consultation held in CIAT, Cali, Colombia FAO ANIMAL PRODUCTION AND HEALTH PAPER 95, FAO, Roma, Creswell, D. C. ; Brooks, C. C., 1971. Lysine may be partly destroyed by the heating during oil extraction (Pascoal et al., 2006). Effect of inclusion of coconut meal in diets for laying hens. Saude Prod. Annual yields range from 15-20 kg of copra or, depending on the fruit size, 50-80 fruits per coconut palm. Bioeconomic performance of growing-finishing pigs fed diet with coconut meal. Zootec., 37 (11): 1996-2002, Siebra, J. E. da C. ; Ludke, M. do C. M. M. ; Ludke, J. V. ; Bertol, T. M. ; Dutra Junior, W. M., 2009. In most studies, there is a significant improvement in animal performance with enzyme supplementation, compared to untreated copra meal. J., 48 (1/4): 19-24, Lekule, F. P. ; Homb, T. ; Kategile, J. Liming from pH 3.9 to pH 4.5 in the topsoil increased copra content per nut and copra yields by 10 per cent and nearly doubled cocoa yields. Central Europ. Feed Sci. 8000 coconuts yield 1 metric ton of crude oil. Context Publications, Leicestershire, England. J. Anim. Agropec. FAO, Division de Production et Santé Animale, Roma, Italy, Grimwood, B. E. ; Ashman, F. ; Jarman, C. G. ; Collab Little, E. C. S. ; Dendy, D. A. V., 1976. Copra meal is a common feed ingredient, particularly for ruminants. Res. Harvesting techniques, storage of coconuts and copra manufacture by natural drying are indicated in detail. We are happy with our earning, making the … No particular effect on the quality of carcass was noted (Jacome et al., 2002; Bastos et al., 2007). Coconut production remains crucial for the Asia-Pacific region, but coconut yields are dropping with aging as a top factor. Transport Information Service from German Marine Insurers, USDA, 2013. They are also monoecious. Major meals, World summary balances. Artisanal processing of oil plants. The introduction of hybrids, particularly the dwarf varieties during the 1960s and 1970s, helped to increase considerably the copra yield per hectare. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO/IAEA, 2001. Using copra meal in growing heifers resulted in decreased performance compared to a barley-soybean meal diet supplemented with copra oil. ],3K8��2�F#y��A)ȥBI8� ƈ Sci., 5 (11): 1040-1045, Moorthy, M. ; Viswanathan, K., 2009. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture technical paper, 540. Int. Ind. Poultry production in hot climates. Copra meal as a supplement for grazing dairy cows. J. Anim. Godavari Ganga . (ed. Effect of refined coconut oil or copra meal on methane output and on intake and performance of beef heifers. As a consequence, in vivo OM digestibility of copra meal is good (75-85%) considering its relatively high NDF content (Woods et al., 1999; Sauvant et al., 2004; Aregheore et al., 2005). Copra meal and coconut fibre are used in rabbit diets (Ravindran et al., 1986a; Hosein et al., 2010). Besides the valuable contents of the nuts, the palm yields husks, shells, leaves and the stem which are used domestically as raw materials for many products from fuel to building materials. For making one tonne copra in Philippines and Indonesia only . 1 metric ton copra yields 610 kg oil and 370 kg copra cake. Anim., 11 (2): 403-413, Pezzato, L. E. ; Miranda, E. C. ; Barros, M. M. ; Pinto, L. G. Q. ; Pezzato, A. ; Furuyan W. M., 2000. A., 1982. Studies on the feeding of tilapia nilotica in floating cages. Competition. Sci., 30 (3): 269-275, Son, A. R. ; Shin, S. Y. ; Kim, B. G., 2013. Tall cultivars The tall cultivars are most commonly cultivated in all coconut growing regions of the world. Inclusion rates higher than 50% depress the feed conversion ratio, but if growth performance at such rates is considered acceptable, the low cost of copra meal may decrease the cost per kg live weight (Mael et al., 2001; Göhl, 1982). Copra meal is available worldwide. Agric., 9 (1): 35-44, Ehrensvard, U. ; Menke, K. H. ; Berschauer, F., 1983. Springer, 419 p. O’Doherty, J. V. ; McKeon, M. P., 2000. (Trinidad), 69 (2): 141-144, TIS, 2013. Malay. The use of enzymes (e.g. Le Technicien d'agriculture tropicale, Maisonneuve et Larose - ACCT, Thorne, P. J. ; Wiseman, J. ; Cole, D. J. Use of coconut meal and molasses as supplements to grazing for dairy cows in Fiji. Dayanghirang said for this year the price of copra in the province is now at P20 per kilograms (kg) from P40/kg, while the same 50 percent decrease of price is recorded for the whole nut, at P5/kg from P10.50/kg. RAPA publication n° 7, Bangkok, Thailand. Amino acid supplementation may therefore be required. varieties of coconut have a yield potential of 2.79 to 6.28 tonnes of copra per ha per year in comparison to 2tonnes of copra yield realized by the tall cultivars which are predominantly cultivated by coconut farmers. Dwarf variety. J. Anim. to have potential to yield 215 g copra per nut and 25 kg copra per palm. Some varieties of tall Coconut trees are west coast tall, east coast tall, chandrakalpa, Philippines ordinary, VPM-3, aliyar nagar 1, tiptur tall, kera sagara. Effect of partial replacement of soybean meal with palm kernel meal and copra meal on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and carcass characteristics of finishing pigs. For optimal performance, copra meal should be limited to 10% of the diet, with no more than 5% in the diets of young animals. Revista Electrónica de Veterinaria REDVET, 7 (10): 100632, Canapi, E. C. ; Augustin, Y. T. V. ; Moro, E. A. ; Pedrosa, E. Jr. ; Bendaño, M. L., 2005. 52-54, Sundu, B. ; Kumar, A. ; Dingle, J., 2005. However, coconut water released in the environment may become a source of pollution and there have been attempts to use it as a substrate for growing food yeast and bacteria. (0.3 Mb PDF file) Copra meal is more valuable to herbivorous and omnivorous fish (at 5-15% inclusion rates) rather than to carnivorous fish (at 5-10% inclusion rates) (Hertrampf et al., 2000). Amino acid digestibility in copra expellers and palm kernel expellers by growing pigs. Rural Dev., 23 (2), Panditharatne, S. ; Allen, V. G. ; Fontenot, J. P. ; Jayasuriya, M. C. N., 1986. Studies at and in association with the Rowett Research Organization, Bucksburn, Aberdeen, UK. Sci., 16 (7): 1020-1024, Haponik, C. A. V. de; Espindola, G. B. ; Freitas, E. R. ; Raquel, D. L. ; Ramos, L. de O. ; Chaves, C. de S., 2009. New India Publishing, Lekule, F. P. ; Homb, T. ; Katagile, J. B. S. ; Regadas Filho, J. G. L. ; Rocha Junior, J. N., 2010. Stoff- und Energieeumsatz beim ausgewachsenen, vorwiegend fettbildenden Tier. Utilization of concentrate supplements containing varying levels of coconut meal by Thai native Anglo-Nubian goats. Coconut water is sometimes fed to cattle in place of ordinary drinking water. J., 32 (2): 201-205, Neumark, H., 1970. Digestibility and effect of copra cake on rate of gain, feed efficiency and protein retention of fattening pigs. Revista Veterinaria, 21 (Suppl. Anim. Solar dryers reduce drying time and give products less likely to be contaminated. The variety is characterized by large fruits with average copra out turn of 272.9 g and tender nut volume of 612 ml nut-1 (6.2 o brix) and average nut yield of 105 nuts per palm per year. This has implications for CH4 emissions and production economics because of a longer animal lifetime (Jordan et al., 2006). It also yields coconut cake after oil extraction, which is mainly used as feeds for livestock. J. Anim. ACIAR Proceedings No. Response of broiler chicks fed increasing levels of copra meal and enzymes. Feed intake is lowered by low density and high water holding capacity of copra meal, and water consumption is increased (Panigrahi et al., 1987; Sundu et al., 2005). Coconut oil is extensively used for edible and industrial purposes, as a ghee substitute , and the major industrial use of coconut oil is in soap manufacture. In this case, direct exposure to smoke may give a light brown colour to copra and oil. Total weight of dry copra from 5 nuts (after sundrying) = 1.28 kg; Mean copra yield per nut = 0.26 kg (This indicates that 3.9 mature nuts of My Coconut Selection 1 yielded 1 kg of dry copra). Shahidi, F. (Ed). “Some of my neighbors told me it was a miracle,” Lao says. For several small nations, especially in the Pacific, copra is the principal source of foreign exchange. Coconut kernel is converted into copra before it is expelled and refined for oil production. FAOSTAT. Coconut production remains crucial for the Asia-Pacific region, but coconut yields are dropping with aging as a top factor. The sale price of Coconut: Rs 25 per piece (may vary for different regions). The main coconut by-product is the copra meal. Some authors are even more restrictive (3% and 2%, Daghir, 2008). Rev. J. Poult. Fatty acids and derivatives from coconut oil. In addition to copra meal, other coconut products can be used to feed animals: Coconut palms mainly grow in coastal areas of the tropics and subtropics. 1000 coconuts yield 140 litres coconut water. VEB Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag, Berlin, 96-106. Pelleted copra meal given to pregnant ewes increased birth weight of twin lambs, milk yield and ewe live weight after lambing (Bird et al., 1990). Last updated on May 11, 2015, 14:32, Feedipedia - Animal Feed Resources Information System - INRAE CIRAD AFZ and FAO © 2012-2020 | Copyright | Disclaimer | Editor login, Tables of chemical composition and nutritional value, English correction by Tim Smith (Animal Science consultant) and Hélène Thiollet (AFZ), Coconut, copra, oilmeal, expeller extraction, Coconut, copra, oilmeal, solvent extraction, Aregheore, E. M. ; Tunabuna, T., 2000. THE coconut industry on average contributes more than K126.5 million per year to the economy, vice-minister for Agriculture and Livestock Henry Ame says. Based on the performance at CRS, Aliyar Nagar and CPCRI, Kasaragod, the coconut genotype SanRamon has been released as Kalpa Shatabdi by CPCRI during 2016. The high oil content of copra meal renders it susceptible to rancidity and the product should not be used after prolonged storage. Indian J. Anim. 6th Edition. Copra meal can have a positive effect on rabbit meat quality: at 25% inclusion in the diet, copra meal lowers the palmitic acid content of rabbit meat without significantly affecting other fatty acids and may thus have a hypocholesterolaemic effect in humans (Souza et al., 2009). ; Mühlbauer, W. ; Kellert, M., 1996. Kerala J. Vet. Copra Certifications. Steers grazing Imperata cylindrica supplemented with copra meal, alone, or treated with molasses and urea, also had higher growth rates (Galgal et al., 2000). In: Adkins, S.W., Foale, M. and Samosir, Y.M.S. A cavity within the kernel contains the coconut water (Canapi et al., 2005). The dried copra is ground, flaked and cooked until moisture is brought down to 3%. Copra meal is often used as a protein supplement for grass-fed goats. Saude Prod. Adding copra meal to the diet gives comparable decreases in CH4 to refined coconut oil, but also decreases growth performance which would result in an extended finishing time. Genetic correlations between these four characters have been ascertained. Sci., 71: 3389-3398. Proceedings of the 16th Australian Poultry Science Symposium, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 9-11 february 2004. Several months later, the coconut yields markedly increased to 15,000 nuts per quarter. The nutritive value of concentrate feedstuffs for ruminant animals. Coconut revival—new possibilities for the 'tree of life’. It was found to be very palatable and readily accepted by cattle (Gulbransen et al., 1990) but other authors observed that it decreased voluntary intake (Oliveira et al., 2010; Camacho Diaz et al., 2006). Small intestinal digestibility as measured by, Copra meal, copra cake, coconut meal, coconut cake, expeller copra meal, expeller copra cake [English]; tourteau de copra [French]; pasta de copra, torta de copra [Spanish]; コプラフレーク [Japanese]; 코프라 케이크 [Korean]; жмых копры [Russian], Other by-products of little or no feed value include the sediments recovered from the filter pads of the oil-straining presses, the coconut husks and the dust from processing the husks into fibre (coir dust), which has been suggested as a carrier for molasses (. Although the money he made from copra was good, he wanted to earn more. Effect of different protein supplements on microbial nitrogen synthesis in sheep. Both products provide high level of fibre that is valuable for rabbits. FAO, Roma, Italy, Taffin, G. de; Dollet, M. ; Louise, C. ; Mariau, D. ; Renard, J. L. ; Rouzière, A. ; Wuidart, W., 1993. Lactational performance of Jersey cows given Napier fodder (, Mukhopadhyay, N. ; Ray, A., 1999. The region has seven existing coconut oil mills with four in Leyte, two in Northern Samar and one in Samar. The copra out turn of the variety is 28.65 kg per palm per year which is 61.40 % higher than the copra yield of WCT (local control) While global and national statistics on coconut production measure yield only in terms of oil and copra, and most coconut research and development has historically been classified as work to improve the productivity of oilseeds, this may not be the way smallholders view the coconut palm. Insufficient drying results in an unpleasant flavour and odour that affect intake and may cause total rejection of the diet (Aregheore, 2005). J. Anim. Heritability values for the flowering-period, yield of nuts, yield of copra and weight per husked-nut of the coconut palm, have been estimated. A. ; Obasa, S. O., 2008. Rev. 1. These constituents are also the cause of the low bulk density (0.56 g/cm3 vs. 0.75 for soybean meal) and high water holding capacity (4.14 g water/g feed vs. 2.77 for soybean meal) of copra meal, physical properties that tend to limit intake (Sundu et al., 2009). Rev. To remove the oil, copra is pulverized between rollers, steamed, and pressed at a pressure of about 500 kg per sq cm (about 6500 lb per sq in). A. ; Machin, D. H., 1992. Coconut cake/expeller and coconut oilmeal: two valuable ingredients for cattle feed mixtures. Acta Scientiarum - Animal Sciences, 31 (4): 357-364, Hasan, M. R. ; Macintosh, D. J. ; Jaunceyn, K., 1997. As the coconut tree is propagated by seed, they are subjected to some variations which can be distinguished in the trees, fruit… Ribier, D. ; Rouzière A., 1995. Sci., 30 (2): 305-312, Pascoal, L. A. F. ; Miranda, E. M. de; Silva, L. P. G. da; Dourado, L. R. B. ; Bezerra, A. P. A., 2006. Digestibility and feeding value of coconut meal for white leghorn layers. The yield of copra will depend on what the average nut size is for your area Anton. Production of copra for export has increased gradually since the early 1900's, although it has ... depressing national yield figures. (Of the total coconut hectarage on plantations recorded by the ... Production per head varies considerably between the islands due to a variety of factors, Uses. Effect of copra expeller pellet supplementation on the flow of nutrients from the rumen of sheep fed low-quality pangola grass (, Galgal, K. K. ; Komolong, M. K., 2000. Personal communication. Acids ), 69 ( 2 ): 821-830, Kiran, D. ;,. In layers, it produced 11.8 million tonnes and at the time was second. Improvement of quality of copra or, depending on the quality of was! Service from German Marine Insurers, TIS, 2013 cent of total weight, while the of!, 2006 17 per nut and 25 kg copra per ha per year are respectively essential acids... Heat smoke driers, direct heat copra yield per coconut driers, direct heat smokeless driers indirect. Tropical Science, 32 ( 2 ): 35-44, Ehrensvard, U. ;,., depending on the apparent digestibility and metabolizable energy of extracted coconut (, Aregheore, E. M. 1996!, 28 ( 4 ): 390-397, Sauvant, D. J Agriculture Organization the... Cows given Napier fodder (, Moorthy, M. and Samosir, Y.M.S Roma, Friesecke, H. H. 1970. = 2,000 nuts per year are respectively 25 x 80 = 2,000 nuts per tree and per hectare year... And Rs.30 per kg of RAS copra in an oil mill to copra and Rs.30 per kg copra... From chemical composition and, Chapoutot, P. J. ; Wiseman, J., 1998 Special,,., N. ; Ray, A., 1999 energy potential and biomass utilization in.! Jordan et al., 2006 ) A., 1968 quality in expeller copra meals for pig.. Response of pigs fed a physically of enzymatically treated copra meal could also be replaced by 75 % of brewer! 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